Grow your carpet cleaning business with our 30 day course will not turn you into Richard Branson over night. It is not designed to teach you everything about business; heck this course only scratches the surface in any of the subjects tackled here.

If you want to grow your carpet cleaning business, then this course has been designed to be a bite sized overview of the essential elements you must be implementing into your business to create a profitable, functional business. Each day will take around 15-20 minutes to read, and then you can develop an implementation plan to develop what you have learned.

Your Finances

There are those who believe that love makes the world go round. AAhhh bless. That is sooooooooooo sweet. Nice thought, but love won’t put food on your table, and you can’t pay your workers with love either (well, you’re not supposed to anyway.)

Money makes the world go around, and since money makes the world go around, strong businesses who provide and generate the money, the jobs and pay the taxes, must therefore make the world go round.

It is essential for you to understand your figures will make or break your business. More accurately, your understanding of your businesses’ financial matters will make or break your business.

Business Essentials

There are a number of essential elements that run like a solid truth throughout every single successful business. These are the elements that every business, no matter what trade or profession, speciality or consultancy you are in.

As well as the obvious need to grow your business and pay the tax man on time, here are a number of essential elements you should employ to make your business the real success it could be.

The Nitty Gritty

Here we really start to get into the very core of your business and we will start to look at the more exciting bits of running a mega successful business.


Sales are essential to your business success … you sell nothing you don’t eat. Harsh, but that’s the truth of it. Learn how to sell more to better quality prospects here.


Your marketing efforts will determine your success or failure … if no one knows you exist or you waste a fortune on advertising that simply will never work, then you have no business. Just like if you run a business supplying a product that no one wants, you have no sales without marketing, and without sales you don’t eat!

Get your marketing right and attract those customers you really want as customers!

Copy Writing

Learning to write great copy that really sells your services to the max is an essential skill which, once mastered, will be like having a money printing press at your fingertips!

Here we will look at the essentials of writing great copy that sells sells sells.


Here are some other great ideas for you to grow your business and boost your profits.

And Finally

You’ve always got to do more than the customer expects to win those vital referrals and repeat business.


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