Your New Business Launch In 30 Days

Day One – Introduction

This 30 day course will not turn you into Richard Branson over night. It is not designed to teach you everything about business; heck this course only scratches the surface in any of the subjects tackled here.

This course has also not been written to help you with any legal or financial advice whatsoever, such as whether you should be a sole trader, partnership, LLP or Ltd company or any other legal matter. You must receive expert legal advice for that.

No, this course won’t do that, but it will give you a good basic understanding in every business subject which you will need to get a firm grip on your new business.

Now, you may want to jump right into the “juicy” stuff, the marketing, the sales techniques, the lovely, scrummy profit, but there is a natural sequence that you need to go through to ensure your business success, and, as frustrating as it may be, do stick with the course exactly as it is laid out here to ensure your business is built on solid foundations.

And here is why it must be done in order.

Say, for example, you started your business a month ago and you haven’t got the systems ready for the order processing framework in place yet. If you follow our sales and marketing tips towards the middle of the course first and get lots of new, hot, fresh leads, how are you going to process those orders without a decent ordering system in place?

Or until you learn about your financial figures, how will you know if you are even making enough profit on each sale to survive past the first few months?

Even though I have broken this course into small chucks, be in no doubt this course is intensive. You may get frustrated, have headaches, even cry a little! Please stick with it. Only the best will, and should, survive in business. If making shed loads of money was easy, then everyone would be doing it.

Throughout the course you will have exercises to complete, and consolidation days. Do complete the exercises throughout the course and embrace them! These exercises have been designed to make you think, to ensure you really have understood the fundamentals in each section, ensuring you are on an increasingly firm footing in your business.

With that in mind, there is not a lot more to say apart … let’s get going! Good luck!


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