Start Your Own Highly Successful, Highly Profitable Carpet Cleaning Business Today!

If You Want To Run Your Own Business Where You Could Earn £75-£100 per hour Then Starting Your Own Carpet Cleaning Business Could Be A Super-Smart Move!

Sure, carpet cleaning may not always be the most glamorous of jobs, but it is so insanely profitable it’s a no-brainer to start your own carpet cleaning business, and because demand is growing and you can’t buy it online your future is secure!

Carpet Cleaning Is …

Insanely Profitable

Once you have bought your equipment the costs are tiny and the profits are HUGE! We’ll even help you with what to buy!

Carpet Cleaning Is …

A Growth Market

More housing and carpets being back in style carpet cleaning will keep you busy for many years to come!

Carpet Cleaning Is …

Secure For The Future

Our high streets are like ghost towns thanks to internet shopping but carpet cleaners are protected! Quality carpet cleaners will last!

Starting Any Business Isn’t Easy

If Running a Business Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Doing It …

Many people dream of owning their own business. Being their own boss. Being the head honcho.

If you want to start a carpet cleaning business, or any business, it won’t be easy and it’s very risky, but why start your new business venture from scratch when we will help you reach your dreams of a mega-successful and highly profitable carpet cleaning business faster and with much less risk than if you do it alone.

We will answer all the questions you have to help you get on your feet quickly, like:

  • “How much should I charge for my carpet cleaning services?”
  • “Will I make more money being employed for none of the hassle?”
  • “How will I get my customers?”
  • “How do I keep my customers?”
  • What is a USP / UVP and why do I need one?
  • “How do I ensure I am truly Pricing For Profit.”

All these questions (and many more) are answered in this course!

Start a carpet cleaning business

What’s In This Course?

You Get Everything You Need to Know To Get Going … 

In this course we don’t just focus on sales & marketing (although both are essential to your business success) and we do cover both subjects in some depth to help you get going.

Instead we focus on giving you a complete, fully rounded, balanced business course to ensure you make the most of the wonderful opportunities only business ownership presents.

In other words, we will help you build strong foundations to build on. 

Ok … what do you get?

You get everything you need to know to start and run a tip-top, highly organized and highly profitable carpet cleaning business, like … 

Your Complete Guide To Awesomeness

In the first part of this incredible course we will have a look at the #1 person in your business.

NO! That’s NOT your customer, that’s YOU.

In this part of the course we will help you establish strong foundations to build on so we go through:

* Some amazing time management techniques

* Your essential business numbers

* Your customers and your competition

* The importance of value, price and positioning 

* Creating systems to ensure your business runs smoothly and systemise making money

As you can see, this base building module will give you many hints and tips to help you build a strong business behind “behind the scenes!”

Your 90 Day Success Planner

This rotating 90 day planner will help you keep your business on track because every 90 days you will create your new plan for your business goals, depending on what is the most valuable use of your time in the following 3 month period.

This plan will help you get to grips with all elements of your business, from corporate image and branding, systems, advertising content, strategic alliances (ultra important for a carpet cleaner) and much, much more.

The Step By Step Quotation Process

This guide has been written to walk you through the entire quotation process from satrt to finish.

Though some businesses don’t do this and quote over the phone, we always recommend you visit the customer to quote, especially if it’s a new prospect (someone you haven’t seen before.)

This is because people will only ever buy from people they know, like and trust. How can you know like and trust someone if you haven’t met them?

A massive part of your business will be constantly working on getting as many repeat business opportunies and referrals as possible, and by far the best way for you to show how awesome you are is to go out and meet people and have a chat with them so they can meet you, so this guide tells you exactly what to do when you meet with a prospect for the first time. It covers everything you need to know to deliver an award winning presentation; we even cover how to knock on the door properly and shake hands!

The last thing you discuss in your whole process should be the price (because you need to bring the prospect up to fever pitch first) and we will show you how to use the quote form we have given you in this course to quote.

This guide has been designed to be used in conjunction with our unique “Profit Booster – Cash Injector” system which is guaranteed to raise your average order value by at least £40-£80 per job!

If all this sounds complicated, don’t worry, it really isn’t. Everything is clearly explained and once you’ve done it a few times it’ll soon be second nature. Why not practice on your friends and family members a few times before you meet “Joe Public” with your awesome new business? 

The Carpet Cleaning Process

This part of the course tells you in detail how to actually clean a carpet.

Kinda important, don’t you think?

We will teach you how to deep clean a carpet in a professional way which is sure to impress your prospects and set you apart from your more questionable competitors!

We also show you the order to do things so you can be highly productive and not waste a ton of time waiting around for things to happen.

Your Profit Booster Cash Injector

This system has been designed to work with the quotation form we send you and is unique to The Carpet Cleaning College!

When you are quoting your prospects will always be comparing your business to other carpet cleaners, some of which will almost certainly be cheaper than you are.

In this course we will teach you not to worry too much about other businesses being cheaper than you…this is just a fact of business life. (Whatever else you do DO NOT spend all your time competing with the low cost cowboys! You will just end up tired and broke in a race to the bottom.)

With our unique Profit Booster Cash Injector spreadsheet (and quotation guide) we will help you be more expensive than your competitors by giving the customer options to choose from.

Once you have set up your pricing spreadsheet it will produce consistent, professional, high quality quotations as well as giving you several ways for you to counter any argument the customer may give you about the cost.

Pricing For Profit

Pricing For Profit … sound like a good idea to you? Sure, it sounds obvious, but you will be amazed at how few business don’t do it!

Many businesses, especially new businesses, will spend all their time competing with their competitors, but this is an extremely dangerous practice and it’s a sure fire way to hit the bottom – quickly.

Instead, we will show you how you can make great profits on your business and distinguish yourself from your competitors and, using a variety of techniques we will go through in this part of the course, we will show you how you can outshine your (usually much cheaper) competitors.

Marketing And Copywriting Basics

One of the greatest marketers to ever live said …

“The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything.” David Ogilvy

In this guide you get an insight into all the various marketing channels you can use and we will also help you further by telling you what we found worked best for us. In additon, you also get at least 10+ marketing pieces to start you off, including:

» How to’s and cheat sheets to make your business run like a dream
» Inspiring ideas, tips and strategies on what’s worked in my businesses (and how to avoid the mistakes)
» A huge guide on getting more incredible repeat business and referral opportunities (we’ll even send you my own killer referral scheme in this course)
» Ads, flyers, sales letters, brochures, handouts 
» Tips and tricks to demonstrate your credibility
» Positioning and creating a UVP

This guide will also help you write your own marketing materials which will grab your prospects attention and attract your target market.

Get More Referrals

Referrals and Strategic Alliances are essential to your carpet cleaning future.

Not only do you get an almighty buzz when a new prospect calls and tells you they were given your details by a thrilled friend, they are also the cheapest way of getting the best new business possible bar none.

I haven’t advertised since 2011, and I still get all the work I want from repeat business, referrals and Strategic Alliances.

In this guide we tell you everything you need to know to create your own winning referral system which will consistently bring in high quality leads to your business.

We will also walk you through our own referral system which you are welcome to copy or adapt as you see fit.

10+ Items Of Marketing To Start You Off

When you are just starting out in business, no matter what anyone says you DON’T need every bit of marketing on the planet … you just need a few bits of marketing which work!

So, available from your online control panel, you will get all the marketing you need to start your business off.

You will get:

  • Consumer Guide To Carpet Cleaning (a great free download for your website so you can get their email details)
  • An A4 Vouchers page with 6 vouchers on it for you fill in and hand out to get SIX tries at getting more referral business from the same person!
  • Stain removal and carpet care fact sheets to hand out to your customers
  • Postcard Ads
  • Advice sheets on why carpet cleaning needs to be done
  • “On the day of the clean” sheet to give to customers
  • A4 ad (great for direct mailing campaigns (door drops))
  • Simple brochure for you to use as you get started
  • and so much more.
Run Your Back Office Flawlessly

This download is all about helping ensure you run a super-smooth business “behind the scenes.”

Running a super-slick business “behind the scenes” is vital because if your back office functions are not organised this background chaos will spill over into your carpet cleaning services.

For example, if you can’t run a proper diary then you could be travelling many miles in-between appointments, burning up a ton of fuel and time.

Here’s another example: if you don’t create a decent system for taking the prospects details, then, if you are running late, you won’t have their number to call them so they’ll hate you for being late … not the best start to a business relationship, is it?

So, downloadable from your online control panel, you will get everything you need to run a super-slick business, like:

  • Quote forms (just add in your details and send off to the printers)
  • A form to leave with the customer on the day of the clean
  • “I Miss You” letters (when you haven’t heard from a customer in a while)
  • Job confirmation email template
  • Thank you for the business letter
  • Job confirmation email
  • Telephone pads
  • And much more besides

Mixture of Formats

We know ploughing through 1000’s of PDF’s is dull so we combine PDF downloads, videos, audio files, and so on


Done-For-You Ad Templates

Get tons of marketing to start marketing your business including ads, flyers etc. Just enter your details and get going!


A Free Mentoring Session

As a qualified business coach, mentor, consultant and business analyst I can help you grow and build your business, and, included in the price of this course you get two FREE 45 minute mentoring sessions with me.


Office Templates

Running a successful business is just as much about running a great business “behind the scenes” so we give you everything you need to run the office functions of your business. 

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Paul Baker, Course Creator, Says … 

Please Don’t Bodge Up Like I Did … 

“This course contains everything you need to know to ensure you can start and grow your business from scratch and everything we have written is perfect for your new carpet cleaning business and is easy and affordable to implement.

You know, business success is not a black art … with a structured education program like this you can and will achieve the most amazing things and reach those dreams you hope for.

I seriously wish I had a course like this when I was growing my own carpet cleaning business in the early noughties … if I had a course like this I wouldn’t have gone bust. Insolvent. Kaput. Up Sh*t Creek.

This course will ensure you do this whole business thing properly, right from the start, and not just learn to clean a carpet!

I have been all over the world on the proceeds of my carpet cleaning business and I am living my dream life. Yes. From carpet cleaning. That’s what we want for you too, and you really can start your highly profitable empire with the right help!”

Paul Baker

Yes I Want A Great Stable Business! 

Carpet cleaning is so insanely profitable I don’t blame you for thinking of starting your own carpet cleaning business, but now you’re probably thinking to yourself … I bet all this incredible, unique information is going to cost a fortune, especially when you see how much you get! ⇓

What You Get …


Multiple format guides covering pricing for profit, sales, marketing and so much more


Forms and handouts to give away to demonstrate your professionalism


Our 100% unique “Profit Booster Cash Injection” pricing spreadsheet


Ads, flyers, graphics and dozens of other marketing goodies to start you off


“Behind the scenes” office templates to help your business run more smoothly


Details of my own referral scheme for you to copy


… and so much more available from your online control panel.

What You’ll Learn …


Key traits of an entrepreneur


How to find time to grow your business


How to target your ideal customers


How to join with other businesses for profit


How to quote like a pro


How to put price in its place


How to clean a carpet


How to add additonal profit to every sale (and still sell in a clean, professional way)


How to sell in a clean, professional way

All This For Just £250.00

(The mentoring session alone is worth more than that!)

Your 100% No Quibble Guarantee

You make this investment at no risk because you’re covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If, within a whole 90 days of receiving this product, you’re not completely satisfied, return it all to us for a full refund. No questions asked.

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Here’s What We Get Asked Most Often … 

Why Trust You?

I am a highly experienced carpet cleaner and prolific course writer and studier of all things business.

I also hold one of the highest business management and leadership qualifications in the world, the CMI Chartered Level 8 Strategic Management and Leadership Diploma which is a doctorate level / PhD management qualification, as well as 4 Masters levels qualifications, I’m a highly experienced and qualified business coach, as well as being a qualified Executive Coach, Business Consultant and Business Analyst!

So I have a huge amount of knowledge which has been laser targeted towards my “home” industry of carpet cleaning. I have helped 1000’s of other carpet cleaners and I will help you too!

Is This Just Another General Business Course?

No! This course has been written by highly experienced carpet cleaners just for carpet cleaners. Lead writer Paul Baker has been cleaning carpets since 2004, made many mistakes in the early days but has now developed his own system of generating and keeping profitable customers! We’ll show you how to do the same thing.

Nothing in this course is “same old, same old” since it has been written specifcally for newbie carpet cleaners.

How Do I Know It's Any Good?

The writer of these courses has been cleaning carpets since 2004 and has helped many carpet cleaning business to mega-success, whatever that looks like for you.

Of course, if you’re not happy at any time during the first 30 days I will give you your money back since, like in my own carpet cleaning business, I only want thrilled customers who love what we do!

Is This Just Another Marketing Course?

No Way!

Although we definitely do send you a lot of courses, tip sheets, cheat sheets and strategies to help you with your sales and marketing issues, we don’t just help with sales and marketing because, whilst these 2 elements are undoubtedly important, they are just 2 elements that make up the complex cog that is an efficient, successful, highly profitable business.

For example, creating a USP and branding are also incredibly important to your business success too, which is why we have developed a wide range of great profit boosting information on virtually every business subject you can think of to help you grow your business in a measured, stable manner.

What we don’t want for you is to have a massive influx of poor quality customers, those “low hanging fruit” customers we talk about quite often on this course, and not be able to get out of the lots of work for little pay trap.

Can't I Just learn To Do It All Myself?

Of course, that’s how I did it.

But why reinvent the wheel? 

  • Don’t go through the heartache of business failure and insolvency like I did!
  • The debt management plan.
  • The £48k debt.
  • The sky high mortgage rates becasue my credit rating was shot to pieces.

Seriously my friend you don’t want to go there! It happened to me but I have learned the hard way and I don’t want you to go through the same things!

This course contains everything you need to grow your business without the pitfalls so for such a small amount of money why wouldn’t you take this course?


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