Top 10 Tips To Increase Your Sales (The Second 5)

Following on from yesterday, here are the second 5 ways to increase your sales.


6) Be amazing at customer service

When you have separated your customers into A,B,C and D customers, show your best customers, the A’s and & B grade customers, how much you value them.

When they call you for an appointment, show them you remember them. When the work is done, leave them a small gift as a thank you for choosing you.

And always, always, do what you say you are going to do, for the price you are going to do it for, when you say you are going to do it. Not rocket science but often so neglected.

7) Start a referral system NOW!

One of the best ways to get great quality sales is to run a tip top referral system. Not a scheme where you sometimes offer thank you gifts, you sometimes offer cards, you sometimes send a letter.

If you haven’t got a referral system in place, get one! Decide what you are going to do and implement it. Get behind it 100%! Either you do something, or you don’t.

Your advertising costs will go down, your profits will go up. This leads to a great result for every one!


8) Learn how to give an amazing sales pitch

Contrary to public opinion, everyone loves a well prepared sales presentation, loaded with real value for the customer to see how your goods or services will really benefit them.

A great sales pitch shows your credibility and highlights your professionalism.

Great sales pitches have stories, pictures, photo’s, case studies, tons of rapport building questions and will leave the customer knowing that you are the only person he / she wants to do the work.


9) Believe in your products or services

Sounds simple I know, but have you actually used the products you sell?

Would you sell them to your own friends and family with a clear conscience? If you don’t genuinely and truly love your products and what you do, that will come across in your sales presentation.



Remember in everything you write, on every website page, or flyer, or advert you write, and on every quotation you do, the customer doesn’t give a rats a**e about you and your business.

Your customers have their own problems to sort out, and you need to tell them, quickly, why you are the company to choose to sort out their problems.

So, knock off the “established in 2001” or “we were formed with 2 partners but have grown to 6 staff…” This is all about you. 

The customer doesn’t care about you. Get over it. The customer has needs or wants to be fulfilled, either by you, or by someone else. 


11) Always offer an extra offer, hint or tip … FREE (see what we did there?)

Yep, just like this top “10” list, always offer added value. Offer something the customer doesn’t expect.

I always send my customers a bouquet of flowers after a large order. Costs me peanuts compared to the value of the job, and the word of mouth I get from that £30 bouquet is priceless.

Of course, knowing your costs will ensure that you can do things like this and still make money, but it doesn’t have to be a big thing. Any surprise is nice.

So, how do you fancy an opportunity to get an extra referral?


How about 2 more referrals?


How about if we gave you a way to get SIX more referrals?


For most businesses referrals are essential for success, and carpet cleaning is no different.

Referrals are great because there’s no high advertising costs and the conversion rate from a cold prospect to a customer is far higher than any other marketing method.

Since referrals are so totally awesome, why not try and get as many referrals for your carpet cleaning business as possible? Doesn’t that make a lot of sense?

A little later in this email course we will give you all the secrets you need to know to run a referrals only business like I did, but today we want to give you something you can use immediately to get more referrals!

Use the vouchers we give you today to give to your customers immediately after the job, in your follow up “thank you” letter after the work is done or in your newsletters to generate a huge number of additional referrals for your carpet cleaning business.

With these vouchers, it’s up to you how far you go with this particular marketing strategy.

You could do what I did and get them printed on 120 gsm card with the lines between the coupons serrated so my customers can easily detach them, or you could just print them off yourself on your home printer on good quality 100 gsm paper and let the customer separate the coupons themselves.

It’s up to you.

What I did was tie this in with our super-powerful referral scheme where I offered … well, I’ll go through my referral scheme another day!

The only other thing you need to think about is to ensure that, if you get a lot of referrals from one particular customer, you keep sending these vouchers out to them when they need more, or you may well find the number of referrals you get dropping after the first 6 vouchers have been given out!

Here is everything you need to get a ton of extra referrals! Seriously, give these vouchers to everyone you know, meet, or serve in your carpet cleaning business to give you SIX more chances to get referrals!

CC Vouchers coupons

Don’t forget … we can all think of doing things, but ACTION is really all that matters.


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