Networking For Profit

If you haven’t joined any networking organizations in your area yet, such as your local chamber of commerce or BNI, now’s a good time to think about doing so.

Once you begin to “get out there” and meet other businesses, then you can begin to gain valuable friendships that will last for years to come. Going to these organization’s meetings and events means you connect with people at a time and place that is suitable for both parties, causing a naturally more relaxed and receptive location for the businesses to meet.

There are both local and international organizations whose goal is to promote networking. The largest of these is Business Network International (BNI). You should also start promoting your business to people you already know and ask them if they know others who might be interested in your products or services.

Whilst it is important to do networking for your goods or services as you will surely build great contacts, it is also vital to learn how to network properly.

Here are just a few hints and tips to ensure you get the most from the networking opportunity:

  • Ensure you listen to the other person. No, really listen.
  • Don’t try and sell … focus on the relationship and the money will come later
  • Allow plenty of time to network before the event officially starts
  • Be on time … others will equate this with trustworthiness
  • Remember you are there to work … it’s not called netsit or neteat.
  • Go with plenty of business cards
  • Arrange follow up visits with anyone of interest ASAP after the meeting

Some of the most powerful Strategic Alliances have been formed from these groups, and these alliance have formed some of the closest friendships and mutually beneficial relationships on the planet.


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