Leave The Carpet Cleaning College

Was It Something We Said …?

Everyone here at CCC is genuinely gutted you are thinking of leaving us … we thought we were getting on great?

This website and all the courses, eBooks, graphics and everything else you will have received from CCC have all taken many years in development and we honestly feel they are the best courses for carpet cleaners available and our clients that read them and take action on what they learn will do fantastically well in business.

But You Don’t Agree?

Could you pleeease have a really good think about whether or not you can afford to get left behind by all the carpet cleaners out there who are taking this course … I don’t want to see you get left behind by the competition. Your competition are hungry for your customers, so staying on top of your game is VITAL to your success.

Please let us help you do that.

If you are still convinced you want to leave us, would you mind just dropping us a quick email just to let me know why you are leaving so we can try to work hard to improve everything we send our members for the next super serious carpet cleaning business who joins our course.

If you are totally sure you want to leave us …

… please walk through the exit for the very last time with CCC …


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