Coming Soon … !



If you’re tired of working really hard for little money, or you’re in the trap of having to accept any customer you can get, then our Business Accelerator Program is for you.

This email course has been written by carpet cleaners for carpet cleaners, and has been designed to give you all the tools you need to be highly successful and highly profitable.

Get marketing, sales, profit boosting or business boosting tips and strategies every other day to help you build and grow a booming business.

These emails will be mixed up for variety and could include videos, emails, quizzes, guides, guest posts and a whole host of other goodies, but one thing they won’t be is BORING!

Experienced Cleaner

With over 20 years of carpet cleaning experience there’s little we haven’t seen, so we can help you GROW

Experienced Coach

Program creator is a highly effective & qualified business coach and mentor! Get reduced mentoring when you sign up!

Spread Payments

Get something from all our courses sent to you every other day all for just a small monthly fee. This could be marketing which has worked, hints, tips, special offers from our partners etc

What Do You Get On The Business Accelerator Program?

You Get A Heck Of A Lot More Than You Might Think!

With this course you will get A LOT of help marketing your carpet cleaning business, and marketing your carpet cleaning business is important. Of course it is. But there’s so much more to running a highly profitable carpet cleaning business than just marketing.

In fact, if you’ve got your finances wrong to start with the last thing you want is more customers!

What we don’t want for you is to have a massive influx of poor quality customers, those “low hanging fruit” customers who want to pay you next to nothing for your hard work. Because they just suck. Sound fair enough?

We will help you with the finer points of running a highly succesful, highly profitable carpet cleaning business, those things which will set you apart from your competition.

Business success is not a black art … with this structured email program of great marketing and business know-how you can all achieve the most amazing things in your carpet cleaning business.

    » Quizzes and tests to test your knowledge
    » Top advice and tips from the experts
    » How to’s and cheat sheets to make your business run like a dream
    » Inspiring ideas, tips and strategies on what’s worked in my businesses (and how to avoid the mistakes)
    » Finances
    » Getting repeat business and referrals (we’ll send you our killer referral scheme in this course)
    » Customer selection
    » Ads, flyers, sales letters, brochures, handouts 
    » Pricing for profit and branding
    » Tips and tricks to demonstrate your credibility
    » Positioning and creating a UVP

    Bite Sized Chunks

    All our courses (value £1000’s) sent to you daily in bite sized chunks for one small monthly investment.


    More Than Marketing

    Yes, you get tons of marketing help, but you also get great help with sales, finances, branding and so much more. 


    We Go Deep

    We tackle often forgotten about subjects like branding and we’ll tell you how we ran our referrals only business!

    We’ll Help You Cut Through The Cr*p

    Our Courses Are A Garbage Free Zone!

    Just like in our huge paid-for courses we can’t stand the BS which gets peddled about business. The Fluff. The Nonsense. THE LIES.

    That’s why in this course we aim to straighten out all the utter garbage us business owners are being fed. We will help you learn the business facts from business fiction. The right from wrong. The downright lies we have all been peddled to the cold hard truths of business.

    1. “The customer is always right.”

    I mean seriously … who writes this stuff? Are you always right in your buisness? Me neither! If you don’t get everything right all the time and it’s your business, how can the customer? Instead, we’ll teach you how to tell the customer they’re wrong!

    2. “All customers are worth having. “

    Yep. That’s what I thought too. And I Went Bust. KAPUT. 

    With over £48k of debts, which ruined my credit score, forced me into a debt management plan and took me 8 YEARS to pay off.

    3. The Sole Purpose Of A Business Is To Serve Customers

    If all you want to do is serve customers, then work at McDonalds. The sole purpose of a business is to make money for you, the business owner. Tons of the stuff. Your customers cannot be your main focus, YOU and YOUR money matter must be the main focus.

    4. Marketing Is The Only Way To Grow Your Business

    The basics of this statement may be true, but sending your marketing out to who? Most marketing companies will be happy to get you more rubbish customers, but who wants them? Work out who you can serve well and focus on targeting that segment of the population.

    5. If you’re busy, you’re successful

    Nonsense. I’ve trained many carpet cleaners who have been exceptionally busy but are still poor. We will show you why you should always aim for one customer at £100 NOT 2 at £50.

    Anyone can be a busy fool and we’ll teach you how to charge more for your carpet cleaning services by adding more value to them.

    6.  Look to the stars for your wealth

    My favourite joke! There are those who will tell you to look to the sky, click your heels together 3 times and ask the powers that be for help and you will magically find wealth. We really do want you to succeed, but you simply have to realise that there is no magic bullet. Sure, a positive attitude is vital but this course is based in fact, not mumbo jumbo.

    Paul Baker, Course Creator, Says … 

    I’ve Built Up A Serious Amount Of Goodies, But I’ve Changed …

    I started carpet cleaning in 2004 and I have had a blast! I built my business to a robust six figure business with just one machine and me, and my carpet cleaning business has paid for some of the most wonderful vacations you could imagine!

    However, I now spend most of my time mentoring and coaching other businesses to success so I have everything I have bought, the marketing I have created and the course I have written, hardly being used, which is a business crime as far as I am concerned!

    If I can help other grow their carpet cleaning businesses I will, just like I do all other businesses when I mentor them.

    I want to help you live the incredible life from the proceeds of your carpet cleaning business, and I want you to be highly profitable so your business provides you, the business owner, with an excellent standard of living.”

    Paul Baker

    Many people have asked me why I have written this course and how I can do it so cheaply. Well …

    1) First, I want YOU to experience the amazing things I have from the proceeds of my carpet cleaning business. Life’s so short but there’s so much to see and do!

    2) Second, I have built my business to over a 6 figure business with one machine and me, and I have all this great business knowledge, marketing, sales tips etc to pass on! I don’t want it going to waste.

    3) Third, I started to write the courses after I went bust in 2010 as a set of notes to learn from which I then tidied up into these 10 huge courses … I don’t want anyone to have to go through the business cr*p like I have. It was just horrible.

    4) The daily emails are subsidized by discreet advertising, to help keep the costs to you right down.

    5) Some of you will become regular mentoring clients (though at half my normal rate!) The link to start mentoring with me is in your control panel.

    Ok I’m Interested. What Now?

    It’s Time To Invest In Your Future …

    A Reminder of What You Get …


    10x 500 page courses sent to you in bite sized chunks


    Forms and handouts to give away to show your professionalism


    Our 100% unique “Profit Booster Cash Injection” pricing spreadsheet


    Ads, flyers, graphics


    “Behind the scenes” office templates to help your business run more smoothly


    Details of my own referral scheme for you to copy


    … and so much more!

    7 Days Trial Just £1!

    Then Just £25.00 pcm (Cancel Anytime)

    You don’t have to say YES right now, just give it a go for £1 and start your journey to mega-success and profitability!

    (Your card will be charged just £1 now then £25.00 after 7 days then recurring at £25.00 until cancelled. Cancel at any time)


    Here’s What We Get Asked Most Often … 

    What If I Need More help?

    Drop me an email, and if it’s a quick query I will drop you an email back. If the query is more involved I recommend you drop me an email and we’ll arrange a reduced mentoring session.

    What If I'm Unhappy?

    We have worked really hard to make this an incredible program which will propel your business to super success. However, we know it won’t be for everyone.

    So you get 7 days trial of this course, freee of charge, on us. Just to see if you like it. After that you will be charged every month but you can cancel at any time by dropping us an email here.

    Do be sure you are happy to cast aside all the business busting marketing, sales and profit boosting tips which will be coming your way though … once you leave you will need to start the email series again from the beginning. 

    If I Cancel, Can I Start Again From Where I Left Off Later?

    If you decide to leave that’s totally fine. We’ll miss you a ton but everyone here wishes you well on your journey to super-success.

    However, if you decide to rejoin the programme at a later date you will need to start the program from the beginning, so please do think carefully about leaving the program behind and forsaking the incredible profit boosting, time saving, money making emails you’re getting.


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