Marketing To Married Women

Married women’s ages can run from 18 to 80 or more.

The central thing that separates them from single women is that they will usually shop for other people in their household, such as a spouse and one or more children.

Not every married woman has children, of course. Those who are married may not wish to have them, or make a conscious decision to put off having them until they are financially stable and at a good place in their chosen career.

Those who do have children will sometimes stay at home for at least a few years after their children are born, in order to spend quality time with them and be assured of their child getting good day care.

Sooner or later, however, they will re-enter the workplace, and their shopping will once again shift from mommy mode to the woman who wants to have it all – kids, career, great marriage, and more.

For that reason, marketing to married women is very much a case of appealing to their head first, then their heart. Almost all of the products a married woman buys are designed to not only improve her life, but the lives of those she is living with, or shopping for.

Targeting Married Women

Some married women have older parents to care for as well as young children in the home, sandwiching them between a lot of different, constantly competing demands.

Anything you can do to make this woman’s life easier and still allow her to be sexy and glamorous will be a step in the right direction.

Even if they do not actually take out the credit card and click, women heavily influence all family purchasing decisions – up to 85% of all purchases, in fact.

Even items traditionally seen as masculine purchases are impacted by women in a couple of ways.

The first is that women tend to take a 360-degree view of the purchase. What will it be like to own that car? Is that really the best computer for all of the family’s needs? What’s the best family plan available from each mobile carrier?

They will research at the manufacturers’ sites, but will also look at social sites for recommendations and real users who can give them hands-on advice based on their own experiences using that product.

Married women also typically serve to provide a well-informed second opinion before the couple commits their family finances to any one particular product or service.

Married women tend to travel more, eat out more, and enjoy a greater range of cultural activities if they do not have children. They also enjoy more fast food and buy more beauty and fashion-related products.

Many married women under 40 with no children are interested in various charitable causes, including the arts, the environment, veterans, and animal welfare. Those without children don’t spend as much time or money on healthy cooking, or wellness-related products,

Married women may seem a very broad category to try to break down, especially if they have children, because you will wish to target women with different children in different age groups if you can.

Having said that, going to the most visual social networks, such as Pinterest and Instagram, will instantly connect you with women under 40, and chances are, they have children.

If you can afford to run Facebook ads, test different audiences, and different images that will appeal to women both with and without children. Track and test your results and you should soon get a clear profile of who the ideal customer is in your niche, and how to market to married women more effectively.


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