Increase Your Conversion Rate

Increase Your Conversion Rate

  • Offer a FREE trial
  • Accept as many ways of paying as possible
  • Advise of the financial cost of inaction
  • Advise, not sell
  • Always be available for work (evenings, weekends)
  • Ask for the sale
  • Ask lots of questions to make the selling easier
  • Attend courses and show off certificates
  • Be polite
  • Be sincere (or it will show through)
  • Become an advisor, not a sales person
  • Benefits benefits benefits
  • BOGOF offers
  • Define your USP branded clothing
  • Ditch the freephone number
  • Build credibility
  • Don’t rush the sale
  • Build rapport and trust
  • Enter business awards
  • Create a great atmosphere
  • Follow up at least 3 times
  • Have a powerful guarantee
  • Offer creative ideas and solutions
  • Information sheets
  • Learn how to close properly
  • Learn objection scripts
  • Learn to overcome objections
  • Let the customer know why they shouldn’t wait
  • Limit offers by time to create scarcity
  • Listen for the customers pain points
  • Lumpy mail
  • Make a compelling offer
  • Make the best use of your CRM system
  • Make your sales process more interesting
  • Measure everything
  • Everything matters
  • Practice practice practice
  • Menu lists
  • Multi buy offers
  • Newsletters, cards, postcards
  • Offer payment instalment plan
  • Plan your conversion strategy
  • Quality brochures
  • Re-enforce quality carpet cleaning message
  • Sales scripts
  • Say what you specialise in (and do specialise in something)
  • Sell on the customers emotions, dreams and aspirations
  • Send an order confirmation
  • Send pre appointment confirmation email / letter
  • Shake hands properly
  • Show interest
  • Show off any press articles you feature in
  • Solve the customers problems
  • Stain removal sheets
  • Stay in touch with your customers
  • Tell stories
  • Testimonials everywhere
  • Tons of before and after photos
  • Train all staff in sales (it’s everyone job)
  • Upgrade level free of charge / 1/2 price
  • Upsell when necessary
  • Use correct name and title
  • Value is important not price
  • Wear a name badge and introduce yourself
  • Maintenance Guides
  • Learn to sell
  • Impact Pack
  • Say … “I recommend …because”
  • Before and after photos
  • Stories sell
  • CDs
  • Don’t give quotes give consultations
  • Sell sell sell
  • Try before you buy
  • Scripts
  • Relationship selling
  • Run surveys

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