Why You Need a Mentor

Why Have A Carpet Cleaning Mentor?

Your mentor will help you step back from your business

A business mentor can help you look at the “big picture”, and help you identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that you may have overlooked.

Your mentor can offer guidance and share ideas during a growth phase

A successful, growing business brings new challenges such as hiring new staff, raising new capital and entering new markets. A business mentor can offer specific support, share best practice from other industries and sectors, caution against potential pitfalls and instil confidence in your plans.

Your mentor will be a sounding board

A key role of a business mentor is to listen, stimulate and challenge your thinking. This will help you develop your own ideas and arrive at your own solutions to your business challenges at a much faster rate than doing this by yourself. This alone should lead to better decision making.

Your mentor will encourage you to leverage your business networks

Your business mentor will help you develop your business network and customers within your industry, as well as other professionals. Business Mentors are coaches, not consultants, and do not take the place of accountants, lawyers or bank managers.

Your mentor will hold you fully accountable

Having a business mentor won’t automatically fix all your business challenges. You will still have to do the work and invest the time and effort to implement changes. A mentor will help you set goals and milestones as well make you accountable for delivering on them.

Your Business Mentor will keep you focused on your goals

It is very easy to get side tracked when you run a business, your business mentor will make sure you do the high value work you should be doing and don’t get sidetracked!

Your mentor will challenge you

Sometimes when we run a business we can get a little stale and start settling for things. Your Business Mentor will challenge you to go that extra mile to improve standards and to go from good to outstanding! They will help you develop your skills, increase your motivation and be there to celebrate your successes.

Every successful business owner has a cosch / mentor. Someone to discuess ideas with. That’s a fact.

So why not 

Soemone to hold them accouAs we wrap up 2022, I want to offer you one last chance to invest in your cleaning business growth.

This is an exclusive offer, limited for only 12 cleaners, so don’t miss out!

For a limited time, I’m offering a special end-of-year coaching package that includes 3 months of 1-on-1 coaching sessions at a discounted rate, saving you $801 off my regular rate in 2023.

You get two coaching sessions with me personally, each month, in January, February, and March (6 total).  Each session lasts one hour and will be recorded.

During our sessions, you’ll work personally with me to set and achieve your goals, explore new opportunities, and overcome any challenges that may be holding you back in your cleaning business.

The cost?  A one-time investment of $999.  My regular rate for 2023 is $1,800 for these six coaching sessions.  This is an $801 savings, and you should be able to write this off in your taxes for 2022.

Get all the sign up details right here.

What will work on?

We can work on anything you need to get your year set for MAXIMUM growth. Marketing automation, Google ads, SEO ranking, website improvement, client emails, client postcards, neighborhood postcards, EDDM postcards, employee systems, or whatever you need for FAST GROWTH.

Every successful person has a coach.  If you didn’t achieve your goals in 2022, start 2023 in the right direction. Take advantage of this special offer and make a positive change in your life. Contact us today to learn more and get started.

P.S.  If you want the best results possible in your business, you need a coach.  I have a coach.  All the most successful cleaners I know have a coach.  You need one too.


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